The 2021 Channel Awards - Why should you enter?
With just two weeks to go until the 2 July deadline, CRN catches up with some past winners of the Channel Awards who share their own words about why the event is important to them, what winning means and why more companies should bite the bullet and submit an entry
Graeme Watt, CEO of Softcat explains why the reseller giant uses the CRN Awards to celebrate recognition of talent in the UK IT industry
"Softcat is a people first business, and the vibrancy of our culture is founded on nurturing talent and potential for personal growth.
"Through many years of partnership, we firmly believe that CRN shares the same values and we support the annual industry leading awards and events as a unique opportunity for us and the entire channel to showcase exceptional performance, talent and achievements from across the UK.
"I have a genuine personal belief that coming together to celebrate the efforts of individuals is fundamental to motivating all IT Professionals, irrespective of age or experience to ‘go the extra mile'.
"In a strongly competitive world, to be nominated for and ultimately win a CRN award is highly prized, gives great kudos and I would strongly encourage anyone ( and everyone) to take advantage of CRN' s premier UK industry recognition programme. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain - including making new friends along the way.
"There is no better feeling than sharing a successful entry with the entire team. External recognition, and especially the CRN awards, tastes so sweet."
See Next Page for Alex Tatham - managing director of Westcoast's views...