WXGA and XGA projecters rising high, says PMA

Projector analyst looks at favoured models in US distribution

Monthly sales to North American dealers, retailers, online resellers, distributors and integrators show that WXGA projectors and XGA projectors are proving the most popular in high-end and mainstream categories respectively.

This conclusion is from the August figures released by specialist projector market analyst Pacific Media Associates (PMA). Its tracking service showed that the top five sellers in North America for August, by unit volume, were the WXGA NEC NP-PA550W-13ZL, the Mitsubishi XD600, the WXGA Mitsubishi WD620, the Epson PowerLite Pro G5450WU and the WXGA Epson PowerLite 1945W.

"Mainstream (1,000-3,999 lumens) projectors: the three bestselling projectors in this category were XGA resolution models. The top five August projectors were the XGA resolution NEC NP-V260X, the Epson PowerLite 93+ and the InFocus IN114. The InFocus IN112 and the NEC NP-V260, both SVGA resolution models, rounded out the Top Five," PMA wrote in a note.

In new era, pico or personal projectors, the Optoma PK-320, Optoma ML500 and PK-201 came in in first, third and fifth. "The Acer K11 took the number two spot, and the AAXA M2 Micro rounded out the top five in fourth position," PMA said.