Get moving for Movember

Cloud provider challenges channel in fundraising pledge

Lawrence Jones, chief executive of UKFast, is challenging the channel to beat his company's Movember fundraising plans, aimed at fighting prostate and testicular cancer.

Jones said he will match the money raised by the UKFast Movember team (pictured, more or less clean-shaven), which it must do by growing moustaches for the whole 30 days of this month.

"Last year, we raised almost £1,000 and in true UKFast style we will be aiming to smash that this year," he said.

November is the international fundraising month for men's health issues, particularly prostate and testicular cancer. UKFast takes part annually, with about 15 staff aiming to grow the best moustache.

UKFast also participates in other charity initiatives such as the Wear it Pink breast cancer day, and charities supported include the NSPCC, the Alzheimer's Society and Llanberis Mountain Rescue.