Last chance to rain fury or praise on your vendors...

The 2019 Vendor Report is about to close. Don't miss your chance of bagging a free Exec Summary by being among the respondents

Vendors are obsessed with customer satisfaction these days - and rightly so - but it is curious that many do not pay the same attention to how their channel partners feel about them.

We want to help correct this with our 2019 Vendor Report, which will measure just how satisfied - or dissatisfied - channel partners are with their vendors.

As a token of our gratitude, the first 500 channel partners (resellers, MSPs, consultancies etc) that takes part in the study will receive £3 in Amazon vouchers. Every respondents also qualifies to receive an executive summary of the report.

Click here to take the survey

With all responses COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS, this is a rare chance to give your vendors both barrels without fear of recrimination.

So, have they been behaving themselves over the last 12 months?

The survey will ask channel partners to rate up to five of their key vendors on four key categories, namely Technology Leadership, Account Management and Channel Strategy, Margins and Incentives, and Accreditation and Training.

For each category, we will invite you to justify your score in your own words. This is your chance to really dish the dirt on your vendors, or - alternatively - praise them to the hilt.

We will also ask you three additional questions to determine how loyal and devoted you are to each.

By conservative estimates, the channel influences 70 per cent of B2B tech purchases, with the the top 300 UK resellers on our radar alone acting as the guardians of £20bn of tech spending annually.

It's time that all vendors start paying as much attention to the loyalty they inspire among these technology influencers as they do to end customers.

But we need your help to do this.

The more vendors you can rate, and the more of you who rate them, the more accurate a picture we can build of the channel loyalty the top technology vendors inspire. So please forward this onto anyone you know who might welcome the chance to vent their spleen (we will, of course, be checking very carefully the provenance of every single response; any duplicate responses or those not from who they say they are will be weeded out).

If you work for a reseller, MSP, consultancy, cloud services provider - or any other breed of front-line tech provider - we would be very grateful if you could spend a few minutes taking our Vendor Report survey.

Thank you.

Click here to take the survey