Dino Cooper

CEO, Viadex

Dino Cooper

What has been your business highlight of 2022?

The IT industry in general has had a bumper time post Covid. We as an industry have been more fortunate than most. Specific to Viadex, we ended our year in June 2022 with revenue up 56 per cent to £52m, record GP and EBITDA. Equally pleasing and frustrating in equal measure was that we entered the new financial year with a record back order of projects and services revenue of £25m and close to £3m GP.

If you were ruler of your own country, what law would you introduce first?

I would change our system of government, using a new framework that has political parties submitting policy in a digital referendum. The country would then vote on what they want, not who they want to execute. The team that is then held to account is chosen based on capability. The electorate then knows what it's voting for, not who. It amazes me that government hasn't looked at blockchain for a digital system of election.

Which channel or tech leader (outside of your own company) has impressed you most in 2022?

Kim Simmonds, CEO at LAW 365, for building an amazing culture and really caring about people and being a champion when it comes to leadership.

If you had a warning label, what would it say?

"STOP & THINK - treat others as you yourself would expect to be treated."

What was your first job?

I first earned pocket money as a 12-year-old boy. My father was an engineer and we lived in South Africa for two years. My folks would have a braai for my father's colleagues, who all had company Citi Golfs and Opel Kadets. Three cars ZAR2.5 each cleaned inside and out, or just ZAR1.5 for outside cleaning. ZAR to GBP was around R1.8/£1.

What was the last book you read, and was it any good?

Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. Incredibly fascinating and thought provoking.

What's the most important lesson you've learned from another business leader or mentor?

Integrity, summed up by what you would do if you knew others were not watching you. My father had an incredible work ethic and sense of what was right, regardless of circumstances.

Who would play you in a movie of your life?

Robert De Niro! He's a legend.