Vicky Critchley

CEO, Bam Boom Cloud

Vicky Critchley

What has been your business highlight of 2022?

Winning Microsoft Global Partner of Year.

If you were ruler of your own country, what law would you introduce first?

I would make it illegal for supermarkets to throw away food.

Which channel or tech leader (outside of your own company) has impressed you most in 2022?

Elon Musk. I know he's not in the channel but he's an absolute inspiration - no challenge too big!

If you had a warning label, what would it say?

"Warning, she bites."

What was your first job?

IT support technician.

What was the last book you read, and was it any good?

Project Hail Mary by Roger Weir - incredible. I love the humour and the science.

What's the most important lesson you've learned from another business leader or mentor?

Business needs a purpose - making money is not a purpose.

Who would play you in a movie of your life?

I would like to think Kiera Knightley but she is way too posh. I love Sandra Bullock because she's funny, so if Keira doesn't want the role, Sandra is my woman.